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Granite Falls NC Sawmill Fire & Rescue

4068 US 321-A Alt, Granite Falls, NC 28630, USA


6,806 sqft (Existing), 7,717 sqft (Addition)

Property Description

Sawmills Fire and Rescue Department in addressing significant growth needs for their existing facility.  Due to budget constraints, the department chose to take a phased approach to the project, breaking it down into three stages.

Phase 1 called for a full Programming exercise and Feasibility Study to identify the department’s needs and problems.  Based upon this information, SCNA was able to make recommendations for architectural solutions to develop in the next phase.  This included significantly expanding the facility to create four additional apparatus bays, a large training room (designed to later be converted into a kitchen), storage spaces and a new decon room.  This design also allows for a future expansion to add sleeping rooms.

Phase 2 involved complete Schematic Design for this expansion. This phase also included site planning to accommodate parking and DOT roadway entry requirements, floor plan development, building elevation design and cost estimating.

Once approved, the project moved into Phase 3 – Design Development, CD preparation, Bidding and Construction.

Contact Agent

Assist Fire Chief Brian Duncan


Property Details

Property Type

Fire & Rescue

Final Cost




Year Built


Property Location

4068 US 321-A Alt, Granite Falls, NC 28630, USA

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