Property Description
New Fire Station No.6 was constructed to serve the Carolina Park development and surrounding community.
Designed to complement the development’s Low-country aesthetic, the new civic focal point features an all-brick masonry façade beneath a sharply-pitched asymmetrical shed metal roof. All-glass bay doors face the adjacent Carolina Park Children’s Center and provide the community a full view of the fire apparatus bays. Much effort was made in preserving and supplementing the natural site vegetation.
The station provides the Mount Pleasant Public Safety personnel with new residential and work quarters, including a two-story tall Dayroom/Kitchen area, highly visible physical training room, individual bunk rooms, and a fire officer’s suite. An inconspicuous exterior entry provides separate access to a Police Substation suite.
This station’s emphasis on sustainability includes increased insulation values, enhanced natural daylighting, including solar tube fixtures for the most interior spaces, rubberized flooring with a high recycled material content, and enhanced lighting and HVAC controls.
Contact Agent
Battalion Chief Troy Thomas
Property Details
Property Type
Fire Station & Police Substation
Final Cost
Year Built
Property Location
1301 Carolina Park Blvd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466, USA